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· 5 min read
Asia K

Internationalization Test 1

I've been interested foreign languages for as long as I can remember. One summer, I took an Arabic course at the city community college. Our professor, a dynamic and young native speaker from Morocco, shared her perspective of what it meant to greet a person in the person's native language. She called it a bridge and a way to build a positive connection. This resonated.

· One min read
Asia K
[SUCCESS] Created community-meta-app.
[INFO] Inside that directory, you can run several commands:

`npm start`
Starts the development server.

`npm run build`
Bundles your website into static files for production.

`npm run serve`
Serves the built website locally.

`npm deploy`
Publishes the website to GitHub pages.

We recommend that you begin by typing:

`cd community-meta-app`
`npm start`

Happy building awesome websites!

· One min read
Asia Lakay
Crystal the Cat

Look at that, I am my mother's first grown woman!

Feel free to play around I promise to be courageous, kind, productive and true to myself. Also, I have the right to edit this post as much as I like.

· One min read
Asia K

Docusaurus blogging features are powered by the blog plugin.

Simply add Markdown files (or folders) to the blog directory.

Regular blog authors can be added to authors.yml.

The blog post date can be extracted from filenames, such as:

  • 2019-05-30-welcome/

A blog post folder can be convenient to co-locate blog post images:

ASIALAKAY App Mobile View

Docusaurus Plushie

The blog supports tags as well!

And if you don't want a blog: just delete this directory, and use blog: false in your Docusaurus config.